Conversion of polymerization can be improved by using oxidation-reduction initiator system but it is difficult to extend the idle time. 采用氧化还原引发体系可以提高单体转化率并实现单体聚合,但无法延长单体聚合的诱导期。
Application of the signal-flow graph to modeling and calculation of oxidation-reduction equilibrium system 信号流图在氧化还原反应平衡系统建模与计算中的应用
The spraying-membrane waterproof technical system for underground engineering is introduced in this arti ˉ cle. The process of spraying, polyreaction and membrane-forming on site have been carried out by oxidation-reduction reac ˉ tive system. 介绍地下工程喷膜防水技术体系,喷膜防水技术采用氧化还原引发体系实现现场喷射聚合成膜。
The dyeing Conditions of green vat dye FFB in cellulose with the oxidation-reduction system of Fe 2 ( SO 4) 3 · x H 2O and TEA by indirect electrolysis are discussed. The results of reducing agent and indirect electrolysis are compared. 论述了以Fe2(SO4)3·xH2O和TEA为氧化还原媒介对还原艳绿FFB在纤维素纤维上进行的间接电化学染色的各种影响因素,并比较了还原剂染色和电化学染色的结果。
[ Conclusion] The change of oxidation-reduction system is a key step in the ovarian cellular apoptosis induced by Arsenic Trioxide. [结论]氧化还原系统的改变是砷剂诱导卵巢癌细胞凋亡的重要途径之一。
Background, superiority and mechanism of free radical polymerized oxidation-reduction trigger syStem and its use in synthesis of styrene-propylene latex are discussed. 论述了自由荃聚合氧化还原引发系统的由来、优越性、作用机理及其在苯丙胶乳合成中的应用。
The dispersion states of PtO_2 supported on γ-Al_2O_3 with different contents and the state changes of PtO_2 and Pt in the oxidation-reduction process of the Pt/ γ-Al_2O_3 system have been studied by using XRD, TEM and XPS. 本文用TEM、HOT、XPS实验技术研究了不同含量PtO2在γ-Al2O3载体上的分散状态,以及Pt/γ-Al2O3体系氧化还原过程中PtO2及Pt的状态变化。
To observe the effect of oxidation-reduction system in the ovarian cellular apoptosis induced by Arsenic Trioxide. [目的]观察氧化还原系统在砷剂诱导卵巢癌细胞凋亡中的作用。
In order to solve chromium waste water by means of electrolyzed deoxidation, we apply polyacrylonitrile carbon blanket as pole, graphite as bipolar plate, positive ion film as diaphragm, to an oxidation-reduction system, in which negative pole electrolyzes and reduces chromium waste water; 为了电解还原处理含铬废水,以聚丙烯腈碳毡作电极,石墨板作双极板,以阳离子交换膜为隔膜,组装出氧化还原电池系统。
A new ethanol capillary biosensor ( ECB) for the determination of ethanol in tequila has been proposed based on ADH and NADH oxidation-reduction system. 基于ADH和烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)氧化还原体系,开发了一种乙醇毛细生物传感器(ECB)。
The cyclic voltammetry curves revealed the oxidation-reduction potential shift in the reaction system of the non-uniformly doped TiO2 thin film under UV irradiation, which indicated that the inner electric field formed. 循环伏安曲线表明,光照时Ni非均匀掺杂的TiO2薄膜改变了体系的氧化还原电位,说明了薄膜内建电场的建立。
The analysis of geo-chemical abnormal indicates that there were mutations of paleo-environment at the aspect of oxidation-reduction system, as well as the saltness and water level of the paleo-lake. 通过地球化学异常分析发现,热河生物群的古生态环境曾出现过氧化-还原环境的剧烈变化以及湖盆盐度和水位的动荡。